

This version was saved 16 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Thomas Barker
on October 2, 2008 at 10:19:48 pm




Left phone message with Rob, whose number is on the main page.


I found Bandy Luedemann's email and phone on the web site (no listing of current officers) and sent her an email with the phone message and the invitation in it.  Sent to: 




Found the contact list site:  http://www.lewisestates.org/committee.htm  I forwarded the previous message to Robert Sharman,rsharman@shaw.ca, the President of the organization.  It occurrs to me that they might not have a hall for meetings, and that it might be useful for me to say that I could do the talk in someone's home, or in another central location, such as the club house for the golf course that this community is built around.



Message to Robert Sharman Robert Sharman,rsharman@shaw.ca


The week of October 21-25 (M-F) is open. So if you can pick a date you think would work best, I’ll put it on the schedule and we can go from there. I looked up the EMS Branch of the Community Services Department (which I noticed in your alternative email signature.) I would like to work with the city to get out my message of community preparedness. I’ve sent an email offering to present on flu pandemic preparedness to Robert Black of the Emergency Preparedness Department. They have a flu pandemic preparedness mission. Perhaps you could suggest additional ways in which I might reach people through the city departments. Would the Department of Community Services be interested in sponsoring a talk on pandemic preparedness? I have some excellent resources that I can share to encourage community involvement. Thank you very much. I look forward to working with you.  



 Parkview community League




emailed David Smith, suggested "be prepared" for scouts, and a three-way talk with Laurier Heights and Lynnwood.  They have a three-league committee.





Parkview Community League mailto:davidbsmith@shaw.ca

Laurier Heights Community League (Not in EFCL list)

Lynnwood Community League lynnwoodcommunity@shaw.ca

Rio Terrace Community League Removed. They serve west of the freeway. Can use for another invitation to Rio Terrace,Patricia Heights, Quesnell

Jasper Park Community League Spoke to Don at 904-1413

Crestwood Community League rod.matheson@gov.ab.ca

West Jasper/Sherwood Community League Spoke to Irene Blains (theblains@shaw.ca) about it and she suggested working with SPURR



Britannia Youngstown






Emailed on 9/26




Rod Matheson



'rjmatheson@shaw.ca'; 'rod.matheson@gov.ab.ca'


emailed on 9/26



glenora community league

website expired as of 9/26




Oliver community league

Not found



Fossdale community league

no site found



Riverdale Community League

sent to hall@riverdalians.net 9/26



 McCauley community leage


sent message and left message at 428-5332




 Volunteer Edmonton

left a phone message and emailed on 9/26

Janice Bell, Director

(780) 732-6649

Evelyn Pham, Communications Coordinator

(780) 732-6655






 Parkdale community league

left phone message at: 

Parkdale Cromdale Community League Association

11335 85 St Nw, Edmonton T5B 4S1, Alberta

p: 780 471 4410

Website - None Supplied

Email - None Supplied




 Called Bellvue and spoke to Brian Finley

He said call Highlands.  I wrote to webmaster@stormyweather.ca and asked for contacts at Highlands.




 Left a message with Nancy at Canadian Red Cross

Regional Office - Edmonton9931 - 106 Street


T5K 1E2

Tel: (780) 423-2680

Toll free: 1-800-565-4483

Fax: (780) 428-7092




 City of Edmonton

Edmonton.ca is an evolving website. Your insights and opinions are used to continually improve this site. Let us know what you think at WebFeedback@edmonton.ca. Due to volumes of emails received, we may not be able to contact you directly, but value your input. Email to: Citizen Action Centre Phone: 780-496-8200 Fax: 780-496-8297







Edmonton Community Leaders, Preparation for public health emergencies may help bring communities together. The research project called "Risk Communication for Flu Pandemics" could provide your community with new ways to communicate. Dr. Thomas Barker is a Visiting Scholar with The University of Alberta School of Public Health who is talking about and investigating how communities take part in public health decision-making. Email Dr. Barker at thomas.barker@ttu.edu (780 884-1299) or visit http://www.faculty.english.ttu.edu/barker/PandemicRisk/ to find out how your community members can participate in this program. p>

albertaavenue@gmail.com; aldergro@telusplanet.net; allendalecommleague@hotmail.com; executive@avonmorecl.net; hutchinr@telus.net; belmead@telusplanet.net; blackmudcreek@gmail.com; hmah@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca; info@innercity.ca; info@BYCLNews.com; league@brookview.ca; hall@delwood.ca; info@decl.net; eeca@shaw.ca; epcl@shawbiz.ca; empirepk@edmc.net; fraserflyer@shaw.ca; goldbar@ecn.ab.ca; gwcl@telus.net; hairsine@telus.net; hazeldea@telus.net; info@idylwylde.org; icl@interbaun.com; kepnews@hotmail.com; league@laperle-community.ca; info@lagolindo.ca; lakewd@telusplanet.net; leefieldcom@interbaun.com; lessardcommunity@lessardcommunity.ca; CommunityInfo@lewisestates.org; info@MLCL.net; oliverco@telusplanet.net; ridgecl@telus.net; riverbendcl@interbaun.com; williw@telusplanet.net; sthwd@telus.net; theridgecommunityleague@yahoo.ca;





I was also thinking that you may wish to connect with  city of Edmonton person in charge of disaster planning for the city - his name is Dean McKellar and his email is dean.mckellar@edmonton.ca.  (from Janice Bell)

Email to Dean McKellar on 9/30


Dear Mr. McKellar, Your name was suggested to me as a person I might contact to interview as a public health information provider. I am a Visiting Scholar with the UA School of Public Health. I am investigating community communication readiness for flu pandemics. You can read about my study at this link: http://www.faculty.english.ttu.edu/barker/PandemicRisk/. I am attaching an invitation to an interview. As a professional involved in emergency and disaster planning, your views are an important element in the overall Edmonton community response. The invitation is general, and has been approved by the UA Health Research Ethics Board. I hope you will have time for a brief research conversation about the issue of community response to public health information. Please let me know if you are interested in being interviewed. I promise it will be interesting and useful, and it will not take up much of your time. Thank you!



Rio Terrace, Patricia Heights, Quesnell


























Dear xxxxxxxxx Community League,


I am a Visiting Scholar with the University of Alberta School of Public Health, writing to offer a public talk on pandemic flu readiness for community league members in Edmonton. I would like to present the talk to the xxxxxxxxxxxxx Community League. From your website it looks like your League is quite active and a talk on community readiness for public health threats might be of interest to members.


Community preparedness is one of the most important elements in dealing successfully with flu pandemics and other public health threats.


The talk may help your members prepare for pandemic flu, listeriosus, or other threats from biological agents. The 30 to 60 minute talk is part of a research project to find ways for the public to communicate effectively with health care agencies, such as Alberta Health Services. Talks may be scheduled any evening during September and October at your facility. No equipment is required and the talk is totally free. You can find out more about the presentation at the following Internet link:




I am attaching an invitation and sample poster. I can do the talk as a stand alone presentation or do it as part of another event. Please call 780 884-1299 or email thomas.barker@ttu.edu if you are interested in scheduling a talk for xxxxxxxxxxxx Community League members. If you are not involved in program planning, could you please forward this message to the correct persons?


Thank you!
















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