
Phone conversation questions

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Saved by Thomas Barker
on January 28, 2008 at 3:22:07 pm



Who will be the Co-PI on the HREB application?


Can this interview research qualify for expidited review?  Can we make a case for minimal risk?


Am I considered a "researcher from another insitution"?  p. 5


Can I use a "recruitment aid" (p. 6) such as an ad in a newsletter or a web page?  I need to figure out how to recruite citizens to interview and then invite to a focus group.


David writes:


Health Canada may be interestred in a project with emergency preparedness within the first nations. This is an example of dissonance in risk peceptions and belief systems. Aboriginal groups require are a very difficult group to carry out research. Malcolm King in the faculty of Medcine at the U of A has a good reputation and was interested in broaching this area.


Would this be too much to try to do?  I would like to include as many social groups as possible in the study, to get a good view of the citizen stakeholders who would be part of the communciation model.  Should I email Dr. King and see if he is interested in helping?


David also writes:


As far as funding, some of these projects are within the scope of Capital Health pandemic planning and we will request internal support


What do I need to do to help with this application?

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